Friday, November 29, 2019

The First Appendectomy free essay sample

Period 5 7 September 2012 Writing Assignment #1: Author’s Purpose When composing a literary selection, an author has a point he or she wants to put across. There is a purpose, whether it be of the conscious or subconscious mind, almost every time an author composes. In Dr. Nolen’s case, he crafted this selection, â€Å"The First Appendectomy†, to inform the reader of the challenges of a young surgeon. To begin with, it is shown in many different ways that Dr. Nolen wanted to inform his reader of the issues a young doctor faces. Dr. Nolen writes with an urgency and a sense of a ticking clock, as shown in his frequent usage of measurements of time. â€Å"He could have tied off all the vessels in two minutes. It took me twenty. † (149) Therefore, the reader can infer from the selection, that the work of a surgeon is difficult and stressful, as a surgeon is racing against time as he or she is operating. We will write a custom essay sample on The First Appendectomy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The dangers of going over time are prominent enough to extract much needed confidence, for an efficient surgery, from the heart of an amateur. Dr. Nolen wants to inform the reader on the challenges a young surgeon faces, such as forgetting how to perform a certain task, stressing over how much time is left and trying to impress a senior advisor. Dr. Nolen forgets how to perform this simple appendectomy. â€Å" for the life of me could not decide where to make the incision. (147) It is apparent, that Dr. Nolen wanted to exhibit the obstacles of a first-time surgeon. Having a purpose to compose a selection is very important for an author, for it sets the tone of the piece. Dr. Nolen decided to inform readers on how a young surgeon struggles in his first surgery. Many people do not quite realize how stressful and nerve-wracking a surgery can be, and Dr. Nolen writes this piece to show to the public exactly that.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Big Business of Dairy Farming Essay Example

The Big Business of Dairy Farming Essay Example The Big Business of Dairy Farming Essay The Big Business of Dairy Farming Essay The Big Business of Dairy Farming : Big Trouble for Cows June 11, 2007 Most people are aware that dairies in the United States bear little resemblance to the idyllic pastures of yesteryear. As with other branches of animal agriculture, such as chicken and egg production, hog farming, and beef production as well as crop growing small, traditional dairy farms have been steadily pushed out of the business by large agribusiness concerns. Since the mid-20th century, the growth of factory farming has led to the transformation of agriculture, forcing small farmers to ? et big or get out.? Small farms cannot compete with big agricultural firms because they cannot achieve the same economies of scale. The American dairy industry annually produces about 20 billion gallons of raw milk, which is processed and sold as butter, cheese, ice cream, and fluid milk. This amounts to about INR 1,739. 31 billion in sales each year. There are between 65,000 and 81,000 U. S. dairies, yet corporate consolidat ion means that about half of the milk sold comes from just under 4 percent of the farms. While the large number of brands and labels on store shelves would seem to indicate a diversity of sources, in reality many of these brands are owned by a handful of large corporations. For example, the countrys largest dairy producer, Dean Foods, owns 40 or so brands, 3 of them representing organic milk. As the number of dairy farms has decreased, the size of those remaining has increased. Between 1991 and 2004, the number of U. S. dairies dropped by almost half, and the number of dairies with 100 or more cows grew by 94 percent. Because big businesses typically seek continuously increasing profits, production must be maximized, almost always at the expense of the cows in one way or another. The cows must be pushed to produce more and more milk. The production of large amounts of milk has called for changes that affect the animal’s health, including the use of drugs, mechanization, and factory-like housing conditions. Most dairy cows are raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs); about 10 percent of those are considered large CAFOs, each with more than 700 dairy cattle. One of the keys to higher production and higher profits is to increase the milk yield while raising fewer cows. Between 1950 and 2000, the number of dairy cows in the United States fell by more than half, yet during that same period, the average annual milk yield more than tripled. What made this possible, and how has it affected the welfare of the animals? Frequent pregnancy Cows are like any other mammal in that they produce milk for the nurturing of their young; in order to lactate, a cow must recently have given birth. In her natural state, a cow gives birth after nine months of gestation and nurses her calf for seven months to a year. This is ? wasted? time that a dairy factory farm can ill afford in addition to the fact that the milk is meant to go to market, not to the calf so calves born to dairy cows, whose primary purpose in being born is to induce lactation, are taken away either immediately after birth or within a day or so. This separation causes great distress to the mother, who would normally feed the calf more than a dozen times a day and, like other mammals, forms a strong bond with her young soon after birth. Male calves are killed or sent off to be raised for veal or beef. Females become dairy cows like their mothers; frequent replacement of herd members is necessary because the death rate of dairy cows is very high. Cows natural life expectancy is 20 years or more, but the average dairy cow lives just 3 to 4 years, exhausted by constant lactation and frequent disease. Cows on factory farms give birth once a year as a result of artificial insemination. About two to three months after calving, a cow is once again impregnated, and the cycle begins again. Lactation continues throughout, except for a few weeks break in between its cessation (about eight months or so after calving) and the next time she gives birth. Thus, dairy cows are induced to produce milk for most of the year. High-protein feed and growth hormones Cows naturally eat grass, which is how the bucolic image of dairy herds grazing in pastures became so well recognized. A diet of grass, however, is high-fiber and of low nutritional density and does not result in a high milk yield. The milk produced from this diet would be enough to feed a calf, but it is not enough to satisfy market needs. So modern dairy cows are fed a low-fiber, high-protein diet of grains such as corn and soy along with animal by-products. As ruminants, they have stomachs with four compartments that are made to process high-fiber grass; partially digested food, or cud, is regurgitated to again be chewed and swallowed, a process that occupies cows for up to eight hours a day. The feed given to cows on dairy farms, however, does not lend itself to this process and is thus difficult for them to digest, causing health problems. In addition, the use of high-protein diets because they contain animal protein, including, in the past, tissue from diseased cows has been implicated in the proliferation of mad cow disease. Another tool to increase milk yield is the use of the genetically engineered growth hormone rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone). This hormone contributes to an average milk prouction of 100 pounds of milk per cow per day, 10 times as much milk as a calf would need. Maintaining such high production for such an unnatural length of time exhausts the cows bodies and depletes them nutritionally to such a degree that even the nutritionally dense feed cannot compensate. Copious milk production causes cowsbones to become severely deficient in calcium. They thus become prone to fracture, and the result is a sharp increase in the number of ? owned? cows, or ? downers,? a general term for farm and food animals who collapse, unable to stand up again, and must be destroyed. The use of rBGH causes other serious problems, including chronic mastitis (a painful bacterial infection and swelling of the udder), which is related to overproduction of milk. To treat infections and help prevent them, d airy farms routinely administer antibiotics to their cows. Antibiotics and rBGH find their way into the milk that humans drink. It is known that the overuse of antibiotics, including routine preventative use, encourages the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. In addition, milk from cows given rBGH shows an increased presence of IGF-1, an insulin-like growth factor, which has been shown to cause cancer in humans. The amount of IGF-1 present in milk produced by cows given rBGH is two to 10 times that in non-rGBH milk. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for regulating the use of such supplements, not only has allowed the use of rBGH but has also refused to allow the labeling of milk to advise consumers that it contains the hormone. The United States is the only industrialized nation that permits the use of growth hormone in animals used for food. How dairy cows are housed In 2001 more than 75 percent of dairy cows had no access to pasture. Cows in many dairies are housed in a combination of outdoor and indoor facilities, such as sheds, outdoor dirt corrals, and stall barns that may not have access to the open air and where cows may be tied up or otherwise restrained for long periods of time. Cows who are restrained in stalls show signs of stress from social isolation and the inability to lie down; further, they are likely to develop teat and skin injuries, lameness, and susceptibility to a variety of diseases. Over the last few decades, agribusiness dairies have experienced great growth in the southwestern United States, which has a very different climate from the country’s traditional dairy-producing regions, including New England and the Midwest. The Southwest does not have expanses of grassland, and most dairy cattle there are housed in unpaved dirt lots, or drylots. The undeveloped surface of such lots is hard on the cows and causes frequent lameness. Drylots offer inadequate protection from the elements, and heavy rains create layers of mud and manure several inches thick, often making it difficult or impossible for the cows to walk or lie down on a dry surface, which dairy experts recognize as a health requirement for cows. Further, the population density on dirt feedlots tends to be very high. In the southern regions of California, one of the largest dairy-producing states, the average number of cows per dairy was 800 to 1,000 in 2005aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ more than three times higher than it was in 1972. High density makes it difficult to maintain sanitation, and dairy cows housed this way are subject to frequent illness and infections. Organic dairies Unlike the sorry state of most so-called free-range? hicken facilities, the majority of organic milk producers do treat their cows well, providing access to pasture and proper feed, avoiding growth hormones, and adhering to ethical standards. However, the growth of the organic milk industry in the 1990s and the early 2000s has attracted the attention of agribusinesses, whose desire to participate in this lucrative market has led them to compromise organic standards and lobby for the degradation of such regulations at the federal level. According to a 2006 report by the Cornucopia Institute, a farm-policy research group, some of the countrys leading producers of milk, after entering the organic market, have attempted to transfer their factory-farm dairying techniques to the production of aâ‚ ¬? organicaâ‚ ¬? milk. The study found that nearly 20 percent of the organic-brand milk on store shelves was from producers following substandard practices. Consumers should be aware that some of the biggest names in the business are among those implicated.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Concept of Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Concept of Competition - Essay Example Another one is that competition causes organization to be efficient and to prosper due to the contributing role of the factors related to efficiency. This selection process is good for aggregate efficiency. Lastly, competition innovate the major source of gains in productive efficiency (Vickers 1). For further meaning of competition, different perspectives can be given attention such as that of the work of social scientists, humanists, and philosophers. Such works do not merely report any meaning in ordinary discourse. Most of them theorize, explain, explore and penetrate below the surface to uncover the features of competition. Among species and every community competition occurs where resources are in limited supply. Competition is defined as the active demand by two or more organisms for a common source as discussed by Wilson. The using up of other resources to the detriment of other organisms, whether it is not aggressive in behavioral interaction is also another perspective on c ompetition. Two modes of competition are distinguished by Wilson namely scramble and contests. Scramble competition can be defined as exploitative. The winner will be the one who uses the resources first without specific behavioral responses to other competitors. According to Wilson, competition theory is a relatively advanced field in ecological research. A competitive technique is the aggression among members of the same species with a set of behaviors. In addition, competition is a term pertaining to human affairs; and it is a warning of dangers involved in extending our use of the term (Newman 5). Economic competitions also play the role, as a neutral buyer or consumer. According to Tibor Schitovsky a person or an organization has competition if the party wants to trade with has alternative opportunities to exchange. Competitors are people or organizations that offer alternatives and similar opportunities to the opposing party or parties. When there is competition there is an ai m to pursue one’s own interest. Having competitive behavior can be as altruistic as any other kind, but a rational competitor never act on the assumption of what others are doing. Most competitors think of their own goals and are primarily motivated to develop, demonstrate and enjoy competence on their own visions. Competitions are used to overcome feelings of being separated, abandoned and unloved. It permits demonstration of each individual’s significance which gratifies each desire, assertiveness and approval and also they perform in public, assert themselves in the presence of others at the very least of their competitor (Newman 11). Competitors always aim to win for them winning is the object of the game. They want to impress their competitors, to be admired for their success. Most competition is complex in its way especially in pursuing its goal e.g. money, job, a woman’s hand in marriage. In addition, competitive impulse seeks a good fight. Competing is t he act against another human being. Competition itself often takes elusive forms example is a world class athlete producing exact performance measures to compete with the other competitors (p.11). Competition and competence are both derived from the same root. It is a desire to develop, to strive and to achieve even with the risk of defeat of failure in one direction and to strive toward a goal. A social scientist postulates that in competition the rules that can hinder a party to achieve and the rewards that can be attained can be considered equal. It usually takes the form of legitimized conflict regulated by rules. But not all competition is a pure contest in which the other competitors are prohibited to achieve their aims. Those who are legitimized

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Emergency Response Plan MOD 1 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Emergency Response Plan MOD 1 SLP - Essay Example All these are hot sports for fires and disasters and hence mitigation plans to prevent such disasters as well as plan on emergency response in case the fire disaster happens should be in the plan. California as a whole including this county is a very hot area and hence fires are likely to happen and when they do they are likely to spread faster and wider in a short period of time (White, T., Ariaratnam and Michael, 2012). Riverside County has been reported to have several hundred earthquakes and earth tremors this year alone. This therefore means that the area is liable to earthquake disasters of larger magnitude and the emergency response team should be prepared on ways to handle it. Earthquake is a natural disaster and hence there are no mitigation efforts and preparations that can be made. The only way to tackle such a disaster is to wait for it to occur so that rescue efforts can be put in place. Even though the area has never experienced an earthquake of higher magnitude to crippling and alarming levels according to richer scale, this does not mean that it should be ruled out as a disaster possibility. California is generally an area prone to earthquakes and even if the earthquake will not happen with the Riverside County, the effects of a huge earthquake can be passed to this county and hence strong response is necessary (Geschwind, 2001). Terrorism is a man-made emergency and disaster that is likely to happen in Riverside County similarly to any other place in the US what with the terrorism threats and activities already taking place in other locations in the country. This county is likely to be a target because of several reasons first being the fact that it has a military base known as March Air Reserve Base. The military has been an enemy of terrorists and hence are likely to attack the county as a way of retaliation. There is also an international airport where they can arrive from which is the Palm Springs International Airport.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Joseph Nathan Oliver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Joseph Nathan Oliver - Essay Example These instruments include cornet and trumpet for melody input, trombone, percussion, and tuba for rhythm in music. Also, used is the clarinet for counterpoint production, drums, contrabass, piano, guitar, and banjo, and later saxophones. Most of these were obtained from the military band (Gushee 45). Jazz music formed a uniting point for all races, as people played it from all races in the world. Joe worked with and transformed a number of marching band groups. Examples of such include the Kid Ory, Bill Johnson’s original Creole Orchestra, The onward Brass band, the Olympia, the eagle band, and the original superior. He also founded King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band where he invited Louis Armstrong and others like Lil Hardin, Johnny Dodds, Baby Dodds, and Honore Dutrey. After their breakup, Oliver King went on to belong to other bands, like Dave Peyton’s band which he renamed Dixie Syncopators (Gushee 260). Oliver ‘king’ was known for his expertise in t he cornet playing as aforementioned. He was raised in New Orleans, which was recognized for its musical vibrancy. This jazz musician produced ‘hot jazz’ sounds, as his music came to be referred to later. In jazz music, Oliver King was famed for using mutes, derbies, cups, and bottles to modify the sound of his cornet. His style was that of producing rhythm that was four square and a melody that was clipped. This made him unique since the other cornetists, including Louis Armstrong, played an irregularly thus contrasting them. In addition to this, Oliver king was also famous for the production of a wild array of sounds from his horn. His performance in Wa Wa Wa and the styles he used to enhance such performance gave rise to the ‘wa-wa effect’ in Jazz music, which further assisted in making him stand out from among other cornetists and other jazz musicians (Gushee 262). He acted as Louis Armstrong’s mentor, who, later rises to fame and is still known i n the jazz world. After the breakup of King Oliver Jazz Band, Joe went ahead to produce two duets with Jelly Roll Morton, a pianist. The duets were King Porter and Tom Cat, both with Piano accompaniment. Apart from playing the cornet and founding bands, Oliver King also wrote music for his bands. Some of the music he wrote include, Sweet like this, Dippermouth Blues Doctor Jazz and Canal Street blues. Oliver’s Dippermouth blues is without a doubt one of the most notable and memorable performance by the fallen king. Both Oliver king and Louis Armstrong composed this piece while they were in King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band. The two were on the cornets while William Johnson played the banjo; Baby Dodds played the drums and Honore Dutrey played the trombone. The clarinetist was Johnny Dodds while Lil Hardin played the piano. This piece was recorded in 1923, in Richmond, Indiana (Gushee 263). Dippermouth blues starts with a four- bar lead that is diminished, which, progresse s to a meandering ride over the hills, of two chorus. An ostinato motor of one bar guides all this. There is a repetitive function of all the parts of the instruments, including the trombone and the clarinet, which offers support for the lead cornet. This is proceeded by a stop time solo of the clarinet. After another ensemble, Oliver’s prowess is displayed as he plays a three chorus muted cornet solo. Together with the band, Oliver king presents a moving show that demands attention. In fact, his

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Making Sense of Facts and Theories

Making Sense of Facts and Theories Facts are needed to establish theories but theories are needed to make sense of facts. Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge. Facts are things believed to be true. There are different types of facts that can be distinguished, real facts and said facts. Real facts are those that are always true like not being able to walk through walls and said facts are just plain statements which declare something as a fact but can be either true or false. One needs to be careful when declaring a fact because declaring makes it a said fact. Facts themselves need no declaration, not even in a theory, said facts if true, are made true by facts. Theories, on the other hand, can be made up of facts or can be used to explain them. Theories do not depend on facts but their truth does. This had led me to explore the following knowledge question: how are facts needed to establish theories? While looking at history and natural sciences, we will see that facts are usually necessary to be able to come up with a theory. I will be exploring my knowledge question by looking at reason and language as the ways of knowing and natural scien ces and history as the areas of knowledge. In the area of knowledge of natural sciences, facts are needed to establish theories. Sciences rely on the scientific method which involves doing background research looking at previously known real facts -, constructing a hypothesis based on the facts obtained from the background research and testing it doing an experiment which is based on observation. During the observation process, one realises real facts, those that do not need to be declared because they are demonstrated through the experiment. Therefore, once a series of facts are compiled, a theory can be established explaining those facts. The theory would not be able to be reliable if it did not have facts that made it a true theory. One decides if a fact is indeed a true fact by using reason which is what allows us to form a logical argument from the observations made. Also, language helps to portray the facts and compile them into a theory since if there were no language, we would not be able to establish theories from a ny real facts since there would not be a way to transmit or communicate them. Theories need to be tested and they must be able to be replicated by following the original process that was done to establish the theory, so in order for it to be explained or replicated, it needs the assistance of language and reason to communicate the theory and evaluate if it is logical, respectively. A real life example is when we tested Newtons theories of motion in my physics class by doing an experiment with toy cars looking at inertia and impulse, we had access to the facts that made up those theories and hence, we were able to put it into practice and see how they behave. However, it is possible that give access to the same facts, different theories may result. This is perhaps because the facts were not necessarily true because they could have been said facts, just plain statements declaring something as a fact but can be false (as well as true) or because they did not encounter any exceptions through the method they used in their investigation if they did not try in different situations. If they were said facts, then the researchers, most likely, did not follow the scientific method and simply derived a theory from an assumption for a specific hypothesis. Since all theories are subjected to at least one exception, they might not be a hundred per cent true because the same theory does not apply to every possible situation that may affect the outcome. An example of this in the natural sciences is on the laws of gases which only apply if the temperature is kept constant. But then again, the temperature having to be kept constant may be a key fact part o f the theory. It was previously mentioned that reason is needed to make sense of the facts obtained. Reasoning methods may vary from a researcher to another which is why some theories are created but are reviewed after a few years because they did not put the facts together in a more logical manner. An example of this is Newtons Universe theory in which he stated that the universe is infinite and static and contains and infinite number of stars equally dispersed however, it was many years later discovered by Olber that if there was an infinite number of stars equally dispersed then, the night would not exist since the universe would be bright in all directions at all times. However, how is it possible to tell if one theory is really true since they are occasionally subjected to sudden changes due to further research and more accessibility to facts into the field? Can we then believe all of the theories we are presented with? Language also has an important role to play since it can b e interpreted differently by different researchers and also, when it is translated into other languages to make it accessible for other individuals, some of the sense might be lost and might stop being a true theory composed of true facts. It is therefore clear that facts are needed to establish theories in the area of knowledge of natural sciences but often, the theories might be subjected to changes due to further facts being discovered. In History, facts are needed to establish theories too. History needs to look at the facts as the evidence obtained from wars and past events to then evaluate and create a theory on what have been the motifs behind that specific event. This is a more controversial area of knowledge because even though we are all presented with the same facts, they can be put into a theory in different ways regarding to the individuals beliefs or background. Given access to the facts about a war, the theory resulting might differ from one person to the other depending if the person is from a country that was more affected by it or not. A real-life example is the Spanish Holy Inquisition in which Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon forced everyone in their kingdom to be Catholics and executed those who refused to convert. From an open-minded point of view it seems clear that religion cannot be enforced on people. However, I have come across many strong Catholics who believe that the Spanis h Inquisition was a good thing to enforce good values onto people and that they even made them a favour helping them to get into heaven. Different people reason the facts in different ways and this is why extremely opposite theories for the same event are established. Also, these facts rely just on language found in manuscripts and stories passed down since none of us was alive at that time and hence, we cannot be sure if these facts are indeed true or if they have been subjected to any sort of manipulation. It is important to know about how facts are needed to establish theories because they are the smaller bits of information we can obtain and make sense of to arrange them into theories. It is necessary to know that even though theories may seem to be true, they can still be subjected to changes once more research is done and more facts are discovered due to perhaps using a different way of reasoning or following a different investigation method. Additionally, different theories might result from the same facts due to someones beliefs or background and are therefore not always reliable but still, facts are needed to establish a theory, whether it is true or not.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Women Of Castigliones The Courtier And Machiavellis The Prince :: essays research papers

Essay on Woman Leader Machiavelli and Castiglione both present the epitome of perfection in their topics of leadership and the way a women should be, respectively. In the case of Castiglione's work, it is stated by signor Gaspare that " the way people sometimes hanker after things that are impossible and miraculous, rather then explain them you (Magnifico) have wished them into existence." This quote is true of both excerpts. Both have created idealisms that are of perfection; however, both do also allow for imperfection. Again in the excerpt from Castiglione's work where Magnifico states "...because man is more robust, more quickly agile and more able to endure toil..." shows the obvious imperfections of the female gender. Machiavelli, on the topic of leadership, also talks of imperfections: "The new prince - above all other princes - cannot escape being called cruel, since new governments about in dangers." Leaders therefore are left to the mercy of their own imperfect ions and the imperfections of the human spirit. Perfection, even mixed in with a few imperfections, is very hard to meet. One would have to be of the offspring of God to meet some of the qualities mentioned. However, far from the offspring of God, there is another that comes close to many of the generalizations stated. She is a leader behind a leader and is probably one of the strongest women of her time. First, Mrs. Clinton as a leader possesses many of the qualities mentioned by Machiavelli; such as her toughness and appearance of good morals. In Castiglione's realm, she matches the qualities of dignity and strong virtues. Hillary Clinton clearly shows qualities mentioned in both excerpts regarding her position as a leader and as a woman. First, Hillary Clinton as a leader possesses a great number of qualities mentioned by Machiavelli, one of which is represented in her handling of the Whitewater scandal. Machiavelli gives and example of how it is important to, "in order to keep his position, act contrary to the truth." Mrs. Clinton most likely lied about her involvement in the scandal in order to "keep her position" as a leader. Mrs. Clinton also fits true to what Machiavelli says about appearance: " is not necessary actually to have all the above-mentioned qualities, but it is very necessary to appear to have them"; the qualities being: merciful, trustworthy, humane, blameless, and religious. The first lady appears to be trustworthy, in that she holds true to her contract of marriage although her husband has made and abomination of the sacred agreement.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Children And Young People’s Workforce

Explain why working in partnership with others is important for children and young people.It is important to work together in partnership with parents, social workers, welfare officers, multi-disciplinary teams and colleagues so everyone can compare notes and information about the child. This allows everyone to gets a clearer profile of the child or young person, and helps them to come up with the appropriate safeguarding plan. Working in partnership can also let professionals gain more experience about certain cases, it can also support effective communication, and for example everyone would be informed about the child so the parent or carer doesn’t have to repeat the situation constantly. This also shows that everyone is aiming to meet the needs of the child or young person.Define the characteristics of effective partnership working.The common characteristics of effective partnership working are when all partners work together to reach their familiar aim, of safeguarding and improving the child’s education and wellbeing. Effective partnership working also consists of effective communication, which includes exchanging information to other partners and using standard language that every professional can understand. For example no abbreviating different terms, like EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). Other characteristic of partnership working is everyone treating each other as equals, respecting and listening to each other’s opinions and worries.Identify barriers to partnership working.Barriers to partnership working could be when a parent refuses to co-operate to professionals such as social workers or police officers. Having disagreements and bias views when dealing with children or young people could also problem difficult when working in partnership. When working in  partnership it is important that everyone communicates effective so everyone is on the same page and has the same understanding about what to do next. Another barrier to partnership working is when professionals turns up late or don’t turn up at all, this means that their observations and notes of the child or young person are not present at the meeting so the other professionals would not be able to build a bigger profile of the child; the more information for the best builds a bigger

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Irish Elk, the Worlds Biggest Deer

The Irish Elk, the World's Biggest Deer Although Megaloceros is commonly known as the Irish Elk, its important to understand that this genus comprised nine separate species, only one of which (Megaloceros giganteus) reached true elk-like proportions. Also, the name Irish Elk is something of a double misnomer. First, Megaloceros had more in common with modern deer than American or European Elks, and, second, it didnt live exclusively in Ireland, enjoying a distribution across the expanse of Pleistocene Europe. (Other, smaller Megaloceros species ranged as far afield as China and Japan.)    The Irish Elk, M. giganteus, was far and away the largest deer that ever lived, measuring about eight feet long from head to tail and weighing in the neighborhood of 500 to 1,500 pounds. What really set this megafauna mammal apart from its fellow ungulates, though, were its enormous, ramifying, ornate antlers, which spanned almost 12 feet from tip to tip and weighed just short of 100 pounds. As with all such structures in the animal kingdom, these antlers were strictly a sexually selected characteristic; males with more ornate appendages were more successful in intra-herd combat, and thus more attractive to females during mating season. Why didnt these top-heavy antlers cause Irish Elk males to tip over? Presumably, they also had exceptionally strong necks, not to mention a finely tuned sense of balance. The Extinction of the Irish Elk Why did the Irish Elk go extinct shortly after the last Ice Age, on the cusp of the modern era, 10,000 years ago? Well, this may have been an object lesson in sexual selection run amok: Its possible that dominant Irish Elk males were so successful and so long-lived that they crowded other, less-well-endowed males out of the gene pool, the result being excessive inbreeding. An overly inbred Irish Elk population would be unusually susceptible to disease or environmental changesay, if an accustomed source of food disappearedand prone to sudden extinction. By the same token, if early human hunters targeted alpha males (perhaps wishing to use their horns as ornaments or magic totems), that, too, would have had a disastrous effect on the Irish Elks prospects for survival. Because it went extinct so recently, the Irish Elk is a candidate species for de-extinction. What this would mean, in practice, is harvesting remnants of Megaloceros DNA from preserved soft tissues, comparing these with the gene sequences of still-extant relatives (perhaps the much, much smaller Fallow Deer or Red Deer), and then breeding the Irish Elk back into existence via a combination of gene manipulation, in-vitro fertilization, and surrogate pregnancy. It all sounds easy when you read it, but each of these steps poses significant technical challengesso you shouldnt expect to see an Irish Elk at your local zoo anytime soon! Name: Irish Elk; also known as  Megaloceros giganteus  (Greek for giant horn); pronounced meg-ah-LAH-seh-russ Habitat: Plains of Eurasia Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (two million-10,000 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to eight feet long and 1,500 pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; large, ornate horns on head

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Creationism Vs. Evolution Essays - Creationism, Pseudoscience

Creationism Vs. Evolution Essays - Creationism, Pseudoscience Creationism vs. Evolution In my short life on this planet I have come to question things that many take upon blind faith. We all know that we must some day die; yet we continuously deny the forces at work inside ourselves, which want to search out the answers of what may or may not come after. It is far easier for humanity to accept that they will go to a safe haven and be rewarded for their lives with pleasures and fantasies of an unfathomable scale than to question the existence of a supposed omnipotent being. Yet, there are a few of us humans who tend to question the why's and wherefore's that society puts forth to us. We question the existence of God, or the creation of mankind rather than blindly accepting faith-filled beliefs we may received from our parents as children. Perhaps it is because we live in a nation filled with many peoples of different beliefs whose Gods are all so varied and different that it is difficult to fathom that they are all the same divine being. It is also plausible that we just have a desire to quench the thirst for knowledge that lies deep within ourselves. As for myself, I cannot believe in a being which created a universe and a multitude of worlds in a rather short period of time then deigns to lower itself into becoming a puppet-master and "pulling the strings" of the Earth and all of the people therein. Since this paper touches upon many scientific terms, I feel that in order for the reader to correctly grasp the content I must first define three words: Theory, Law, and Hypothesis. The definitions will allow for a greater underezding of this essay and give us an even ground upon which to begin. - Theory; noun 1. a. Systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumezces, especially a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. b. Such knowledge or such a system. 2. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture. Law; noun 1. a. A formulation describing a relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met: the law of gravity. b. A generalization based on consistent experience or results: the law of supply and demand; the law of averages. Hypothesis; noun 1. A tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory. 2. Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption. - It is important that you thoroughly read the above definitions or you will be at a disadvantage if you do not. You will note that there are several different definitions to each word. I felt it was important to include the added definitive statement to theory because it shows the difference between a scientific theory and an "everyday" theory based upon conjecture. The additional definitions to law and hypothesis are both added for a further underezding of these words. The definition of creationism is somewhat more complex. One must start by saying that the belief in the creation of the universe given at the beginning of the Bible is literally true. Creationism is a belief based solely upon faith (which is a belief in and of itself). There are no scientific facts as a basis for this belief, solely conjectural theories and speculations. It is ingrained into our minds, as children that a belief of a force, or supernatural entity, which is all powerful and all knowing, is watching over us and taking care of our needs. Yet, to me, saying this very sort of thing is heretical in its very essence. To be so crude as to think that some being which created the universe itself and all things in it would take the time to care for each and every individual is incomprehensible. In practically all ancient cultures, the biblical included, the universe was thought of as an original chaos into which order had been introduced by a creative hand: This was the essence of creation.1 In this statement alone we

Monday, November 4, 2019

Baking Class-Measurement and Weight Writing Assignment

Baking Class-Measurement and Weight Writing - Assignment Example Watching the baking process and practicing made me into an excellent baker. I have had several baking experiences, of them all, my favorite baking experience of all time is the Devil’s food cake. According to my bakery experience, this is the ultimate chocolate cake with a luscious frosting (Gisslen & Smith 978). This cake is very easy to prepare as all the ingredients are readily available, however accurate measurement is necessary for an excellent outcome (Sawyer 18). The recipe is fantastic, especially making the soft sticky frosting. The general texture of the cake is light and moist, with soft crumbs and a dark appearance brought about by the dark brown muscovado sugar and cocoa powder (Regier & Helmar 89). What makes this cake moist and tender is the use of vegetable oil at room temperature. This cake is not too sugary, just has the perfect balance of sweetness. Not only is the appearance of this cake perfect, but also has a rich chocolate flavor (Brown 479). This intense flavor is brought about by the concentrated presence of pure chocolate of the cocoa solids lacking dilution by milk or butter (Newtown 9). Baking this cake gives me a divine majestic feeling, bringing an immense satisfaction. This rich alluring cake despite the name is heavenly! Whenever I eat this cake, I feel as though I am in heaven. This gorgeous cake always turns out moist with a chocolate taste, smell, and appearance. This cake melts gracefully in my mouth, leaving a terrific feeling. The smell of this cake baking evokes memories of my childhood days, and mother’s fine baking skills.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Rights - Essay Example If a person is deprived the provisions of article 5, he or she shall have the right to ask for compensation. Saying that the article does not derail the process of fighting crime in the U.K. will be proper. The article only serves to protect the rights of an individual to security and liberty. People are entitled to be liberal and secure. The right in itself protects innocent individuals against aggression from fellow individuals hence maintaining law and order is its main priority. It allows for individual rights to liberty while at the same time guarding against commitment of a crime through its provision. Limited means that a person can be denied the rights under the provisions of article 51. It means that there are circumstances where deprivation of liberty is deemed very lawful. However, such events are also guarded within the law to ensure that they are not taken advantage of illegally to dehumanize other human beings by law enforcement agents. In the case of any deprivation to the provisions of article 5, the law stipulates that such instances should be lawful and necessary. Such a period should not run longer than expected in the case of liberty restrictions. The guidelines to these provisions are set forth in article 5 (2) to 5 (5). Any limitation to the article should follow the guidelines stated under the articles. For example, a suspected terrorism offender can be denied this freedom for longer than is necessary so that the law enforcers can guarantee security to other persons. Under the terrorism prevention and investigation strategies, article 5 imposes significant restrictions to suspects of terror crimes. The law also creates harsh restrictions to a person convicted of terror crimes hence his or her rights to liberty are very slim creating a reduction in crime level2. Another example is when it is made compulsory for a